Introduction to PHP

PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a server-side scripting language widely used for web development. It is especially suited for creating dynamic web pages and applications. PHP is embedded within HTML code, and its scripts are executed on the server, generating HTML content that is then sent to the client's browser. This allows developers to create interactive and data-driven websites.

Introduction to PHP:

1. Basic Concepts:

a. Introduction to server-side scripting b. PHP syntax and structure c. Variables, data types, and operators

2. Control Structures:

a. Conditional statements (if, else, switch) b. Looping constructs (for, while, do-while)

3. Functions:

a. Creating and using functions b. Built-in functions c. Scope and lifetime of variables

4. Arrays:

a. Indexed, associative, and multidimensional arrays b. Array functions

5. Forms and User Input:

a. Handling form data with PHP b. Form validation and security

6. Database Interaction:

a. Connecting to databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc.) b. Performing CRUD operations c. SQL injection prevention

7. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in PHP:

a. Classes and objects b. Inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism c. Constructors and destructors

8. Session Management:

a. Cookies and sessions b. User authentication and authorization

9. File Handling:

a. Reading and writing files b. File uploads and security considerations

10. Error Handling and Debugging:

a. Common PHP errors b. Debugging techniques c. Error handling strategies

11. Security Best Practices:

a. Data validation and sanitization b. Cross-site scripting (XSS) and Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) prevention c. Password hashing and security measures

12. Introduction to PHP Frameworks:

a. Overview of popular frameworks (e.g., Laravel, Symfony) b. Benefits and use cases

13. API Integration:

a. Consuming APIs b. Creating APIs with PHP

Project Work:

Capstone Project:

  • Develop a dynamic web application using PHP that incorporates the concepts covered in the course. This could include user authentication, database interactions, and a responsive user interface.

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