C Language

Introduction to C

The C programming language is a powerful and widely used programming language that was originally developed by Dennis Ritchie at Bell Labs in the early 1970s. It has had a significant impact on many other programming languages and is still widely used today, especially in system programming and embedded systems.


  • What is C Language
  • Why C Language
  • Future in C Language
  • Summary


  • Prerequisite in C Language
  • Installation of C
  • Summary


  • What is Data Types in C Language with practical
  • Integers, long and short in C Language with practical
  • Integers, signed and unsigned in C Language with practical
  • Chars, signed and unsigned in C Language with practical
  • Floats and Doubles in C Language with practical
  • Constants in C with practical
  • Variables in C with practical
  • Keywords in C with practical
  • How to get input from user with practical
  • How to display output to user with practical
  • Summary


  • IF-Else Statement in C Language with practical
  • for Loop in C Language with practical
  • While Loop in C Language with practical
  • Do-While Loop in C Language with practical
  • Break in C Language with practical
  • Continue in C Language with practical
  • Switch in C Language with practical
  • Summary


  • What is a Function in C Language with practical
  • Passing Values between Functions in C Language with practical
  • Call by Value in C Language with practical
  • Call by Reference in C Language with practical
  • Summary


  • An Introduction to Pointers
  • Pointer Notation in C Language
  • Back to Function Calls in C Language with practical
  • Recursion in C Language with practical
  • Summary


  • The C Preprocessor in C Language
  • Features of C Preprocessor
  • Macro Expansion in C Language
  • Macros with Arguments with practical
  • Macros versus Functions with practical
  • File Inclusion in C Language with practical
  • #if and #elif Directives with practical
  • Miscellaneous Directives in C Language
  • #undef Directive with practical
  • #pragma Directive with practical
  • Summary


  • What are Arrays in C Language
  • A Simple Program Using Array
  • How to Initialize Array in C Language with practical
  • Passing Array Elements in C Language to a Function with practical
  • Pointers and Arrays in C Language with practical
  • Passing an Entire Array to a Function in C Language with practical
  • Two Dimensional Arrays in C Language with practical
  • Initializing a 2-Dimensional Array with practical
  • Pointers and 2-Dimensional Arrays with practical
  • Pointer to an Array with practical
  • Passing 2-D array to a Function with practical
  • Array of Pointers with practical
  • Three Dimensional Array with practical
  • Summary


  • What are Strings in C Language
  • How to get length of a string in C Language using strlen( ) with practical
  • How to copy a string in C Language using strcpy( ) with practical
  • How to concatenate a string in C Language using strcat( ) with practical
  • How to compare two string in C Language using strcmp( ) with practical
  • Summary


  • What is Structures in C Language
  • Why Use Structures in C Language
  • Declaring a Structure in C Language with practical
  • Accessing Structure Elements in C Language with practical
  • How Structure Elements are Stored with practical
  • Array of Structures in C Language with practical
  • Additional Features of Structures with practical
  • Uses of Structures with practical
  • Summary


  • File Input/Output in C Language with practical
  • File Operations in C Language with practical
  • Opening a File in C Language with practical
  • Reading from a File in C Language with practical
  • Closing the File in C Language with practical
  • Counting Characters, Tabs, Spaces, with practical
  • A File-copy Program in C Language
  • Writing to a File in C Language with practical
  • File Opening Modes
  • String (line) I/O in Files
  • Summary            


  • Operations On Bits in C Language with practical
  • Bitwise Operators with practical
  • One’s Complement Operator with practical
  • Right Shift Operator with practical
  • Left Shift Operator with practical
  • Bitwise AND Operator with practical
  • Bitwise OR Operator with practical
  • Bitwise XOR Operator with practical
  • Enumerated Data Type with practical
  • Uses of Enumerated Data Type with practical
  • Summary

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