Android App

Android: -In science fiction books and films, an android is a robot that looks like a human being. Android is an operating system for mobile phones and tablets.

Android OS is a Linux-based mobile operating system that primarily runs on smart phones and tablets. The Android platform includes an operating system based upon the Linux kernel, a GUI, a web browser and end-user applications that can be downloaded.

Generally, this program imparts specialization in the following fields:

  • Introduction to Android
  • Android Architecture
  • Android Libraries
  • Application Framework
  • Android Development IDE – Environment Setup
  • Android Studio Installation
  • Create First Application
  • Android Activities
  • Android Services
  • Android Broadcast Receivers
  • Android Fragments
  • Android Intents & Filters
  • Android UI Layout
  • Android UI Control
  • Android Event handling
  • Android Notification
  • Android-Sensors
  • Android Wi-Fi
  • Application Resources

Scope: - The scope of an app refers to how long it will take the app development team to design, build and deliver an application. It's effectively a timeline that is set by developers with input from the client or sales team and project managers.

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